
Whole School or Focus Review

These reviews are structured to be developmental for school staff. The review applies the same rigour as the inspection framework and professional judgements are made to evaluate school performance.

Why might your school benefit from a review?

You may be mid-way between two inspections.
You may have had a period of rapid change and want an external evaluation of ‘where you are’.
You may have had recent change in senior leadership or a new headteacher and require an accurate ‘snapshot’ of the school as a whole.
You may have been asked by Ofsted to work on one or two particular areas and now need an objective evaluation of progress and improvement.

What happens before the review?

Effective communication is most important to ensure the review is tailored to meet your specific requirements

You will be asked to send any self-evaluation documents and the most recent RAISEOnline.
This information will then be analysed and a pre-review document shared with the leadership team.
There will be a brief phone call and e-mail exchange to organise meetings with key staff, governors or pupils, if that is required by the school.

How long does a review take and what does it look like?

This is entirely up to you. Normally there would one day for preparation, one or two days in school and a day to write the report.
The review could be designed to closely model the process of an inspection or just focus on one agreed area.
Lessons could be observed, feedback given to teachers, joint observations arranged, work scrutinised, meetings held with pupils, staff and governors.
Headteachers would be encouraged to play a full part in the review team.
At the end of the review detailed feedback would be provided to senior leaders.

What happens after the review?

1. You will receive a written report.
2. The report will be more informal than an Ofsted inspection report.
3. The report will, however, provide very practical recommendations for improvement.
4. If you wish then a follow up phone call or visit can easily be arranged, for further support.