
Developing lesson observation skills

One of the greatest challenges for any school is to ensure consistency in teaching and learning and the progress made by pupils. Under the new framework, lesson observations are given an even higher profile. Based in your school we can also provide opportunity for senior leaders to conduct joint observations and share views to moderate the quality of both the lessons and the observation skills of key staff.
This will ensure that all staff have a similar understanding of what good progress looks like and how to use and apply Ofsted's handbook consistently. This can be a one or two-day package of support.

Training for governors on the Ofsted Inspection Framework

Training sessions can also be provided for governors to fully understand the Ofsted Framework. The training examines key features of the framework and raises awareness of the governors' responsibilities, promotes understanding of data and explores the evidence inspection may require. The training will use information and RAISEOnline data specific to your school.

Helping schools understand the new Inspections Framework

Training is also offered for school staff to understand the new school inspection framework. This is usually through a one-day training event. The training provides an introduction and overview of the Ofsted inspection handbook right through to using the school's own RAISEOnline and self-evaluation to help prepare for the next inspection. As with all our support it can always be tailored to your specific requirements.